So this was what I got as the very first item to work on for the Round Robin. Tami had created this beautiful center block. She does wonderful hand applique work! I have to admit I was a bit intimidated when I first pulled it out of the bag. Per usual I hung it on my design wall for about a week or so for inspiration.
Tami had a piece of fabric from one of our original group members, Mary Jane, who passed away several years ago. She and Tami were very close. Tami included the green fabric in the center of the cone flowers. It was fabric that Tami had purchased on one of their trips to Pennsylvania. She also added 7 blue circles to represent each of the members of the group and one gold circle to represent Mary Jane.
In her instructions Tami asked us to be sure to use a piece of the green "Mary Jane" fabric in whatever we created. She also include in the bag some scraps of the other fabrics she used in case we wanted to use them as well.
I took the background and scraps from Tami and pulled some coordinates from my stash. I was really surprised to find so many pieces in my stash that would work.

Unfortunately, I didn't take enough pictures of the "building" of the border so I don't have much in the way of details on how it was constructed. But you can see it's half square triangles set symmetrically from the center outward.
The corners are half square triangles as well, just rotated to create a diagonal line. Since I was not working with a pattern I had to do the math to get everything to fit. Yes, math! Not to worry, I don't mind math and I LOVE geometry :o) I think that's one of the reasons I enjoy quilting, it's real life geometry.
Here's how it looked when I passed it on to Jane.

Who would have predicted how beautiful this quilt top would become! The combination of colors and keeping all the same background fabric made it look as if one person had done all the work.
Jane added the pretty appliqued border after me, Deb R added the bottom appliqued panel with her signature beeskeep, Charlene added another pretty appliqued panel at the top, Dutchy added the green border and pretty pieced side panels. But Carol had the toughest job of all - adding the corners after everything else was in place. Now that took some MATH!!
We all loved it, especially Tami. You can see that we have some very talented ladies in our group. Learning from all of them is just one of the many things I enjoy about meeting up once a month.
Next weeks post will be Round # 3, Dutchy's signature block wall hanging.
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