Here's to the happy couple! I hope they spend many years together and have a lots of chances to sit on their quilt enjoying a picnic.
The finished Watermelon quilt measured 53" wide by 60" long. The last piece of work is making the label and getting on the quilt. You know they say that it's not a quilt until it's quilted. Well I'm a firm beliver that it's not a quilt until the label is on it!
The finished Watermelon quilt measured 53" wide by 60" long. The last piece of work is making the label and getting on the quilt. You know they say that it's not a quilt until it's quilted. Well I'm a firm beliver that it's not a quilt until the label is on it!
Having said that, the quilt label is one part of the quilt that always poses a challenge for me. Most quilt labels I've seen are just big white squares of writing documenting the receiver, the quilter, the date, the event, etc. Some of them can get very long and in my opinion just ugly! So I'm always trying to make sure that while I document all those important things the label doesn't detract from the overall look of the quilt. Here's a one label I did that didn't follow the usual big white box theroy: Twiggy.
So I had this great idea for a label on the Watermelon quilt. I wanted to make a slice of watermelon where I could write in the white part of the rind! And then, because the backing fabric was so busy, I was planning to set the slice on a red and white checked fabric made into a napkin. It sounded good. The picture in my mind was clear as a bell but I wasn't sure how to do it. The entire time I was making the Watermelon quilt the label idea was percolating in the back of my mind.
This is a huge part of the creative process for me. While my hands are busy doing the work my mind can wonder. The possibilities are endless. The freedom is exhilerating. The down side? It's also how things can go wrong! You'll see what I mean, keep reading!
I checked on-line to see if I could find a template of a slice of watermelon to print out. I found a tutorial for a pin cushion at the Dakota Cabin Quilts blog that I thought would work. Isn't it adorable!
I copied and pasted it into PowerPoint, used word art to craft the word on a curve and hit the print button. Oops, I forgot the printer was broken! Off to Staples to use their printer. At this point in time I was still working on the seeds for the quilt which meant I didn't have time to work on the label. I put the print out in the pile with the other stuff for this part of the project and finished up the seeds.
Piecing the blocks into rows and the rows into a quilt top went along without incident. The backing was a bit more work but it too turned out just fine. (See the post for July 1, 2011).
After I sent the quilt off to the long arm quilter I started working on the label in earnest. First came the red fabrics for the melon part. Each of these fabrics was used in the log cabin blocks on the front. As you can see I had plenty left over to play with.
I cut strips 1 1/2" wide and
sewed them together to create a strip set. This was fun and pretty quick. I love that I can chain piece them so they fly though the machine. Here's where my mind starts to work out the "how do I cut that curve"?
I pinned each row together before sewing because I wanted to make sure the seams were nested and stayed that way as I sewed. There were plenty of seams so the nesting helped keep the intersecting seams square and flat. No mind wondering allowed here!
Once again I was working last at night so of course, you know Guppie would have to get involved! I feel I should mention here, for all of you who are NOT cat lovers, I always wash and dry my quilts just before wrapping them up so they are fresh and clean when they arrive as a gift ;o)
I pressed the final patchwork to try to get it as flat as possible since I'd be sewing and cutting it some more. The reds were beautiful and there was plenty of time before I'd have to finish the label so I just pinned it to my design board and admired it while I continued to work out the finished product in my head.
A week long business trip to New Orleans interupted my sewing rythm but how else am I going to afford this wonderful hobby of mine. So a couple of weeks later I picked up the finished quilt from the long arm quilter. I was so thrilled to see that the backing had turned out just right. The quilting was beautiful. It was all coming together.
With a week to go before the wedding I had timed every down to the last minute. I bought a new dress, looked for new shoes but didn't find any, stuck to my workouts and my diet, got the laundry and housework all done so my weekend would be stress free. My mother would be so proud! Yet there was always that label in the back of my mind. I didn't dare get started on it becasue I knew I wouldn't be able to put it down.
Finally, it was time to finishing up the label. On a piece of white paper, I drew a curve the shape I needed for the final watermelon slice . I then cut out the words I had printed and, using my light box, I arranged the words to fit the curve. I taped it all down with clear tape so it wouldn't move.
Next I placed a piece of white muslin over the arrangement to trace the lettering.
This is the method I use the most when making quilt labels. It gives me a guideline to follow but I'm still writing it by hand rather than printing it out onto the fabric directly from my computer. (That's going to be something I'll try when I get my new printer.) The arc you can see at the top is just some of the words that were printed on the paper that weren't the right size.
Using my rotary cutter I cut through all three layers at once to get the perfect matching curve on each piece!
This was the first time I had ever done a curved piece for a quilting project. Turns out it's just like setting a sleeve when sewing clothing!
To sew the pieces together I placed the white fabric on top of the green, right sides together. I lined up the center of each piece and pinned it.
Next I pinned the corners. Then worked my way from one side toward the middle by aligning the fabric edges along the curve. I used lots of pins to keep it straight. With the white piece on top I could see if I was too close or too far from the words. I didn't want to have to re-do the words so I carefully lined up my fabric edge with the edge of my presser foot which just happens to be quarter inch wide.
After looking at it I was pleased with the results but it seemed awfully large. I didn't want it to be the focal point on the back of the quilt. I just wanted a little bit of fun rather than a big honking label.
I decided I'd have to cut the pieces as if it was a pie in order to get the right size for what I had envisioned.
With that accomplished I repeated the process for getting the curve cut on the melon side. Then I stitched the "rind" to the "melon". You can see from all the pins I wasn't taking any changes of things slipping as I sewed.
With that accomplished I repeated the process for getting the curve cut on the melon side. Then I stitched the "rind" to the "melon". You can see from all the pins I wasn't taking any changes of things slipping as I sewed.
Aren't they just adorable! I loved them! One final press and they would be ready to applique to the quilt. Still thinking about how I was going to do that I went to the ironing board, spritzed the slices with lots of water and watched as THE INK RAN right before my bleary eyes! I stared in disbelief. How could this happen! You guessed it, I was so busy thinking about getting them on the quilt I forgotten to heat set the ink before dousing the pieces with water. The creative part of the process had just sabotaged the whole thing!
Thinking I could stop it before all was lost I grabbed the hot iron and laid it on the wet fabric. When I lifted the iron all I could see was the red fabric had bled through the white and mixed with the smeared black ink !!! Talk about a HOT MESS! I would not have believed it if I wasn't holding it in my hand.
This is what happens when it's late at night and you're getting tired and your mind is racing on to the next step. I should have just stopped when the sewing was done and gone to bed. Yet, I knew I wouldn't have been able to sleep until I got them sewn on the quilt so I had kept on going.
Now what was I going to do? It was about 10 pm the night before the wedding. I knew the next morning would be spent packing and pressing our clothes before we got all decked out for the festivities. And I still needed to wash and dry the quilt before wrapping it. No time left for sewing!
I had just spent the better part of 2 hours making these precious slices of watermelon. It was too late to start over. As any quilter will tell you, it's after making a mistake like this that you really have to be creative! Not the leasurly, mind wondering kind of creative but the thinking fast on your feet creative.
I stopped for a few minutes to consider the alternatives. There weren't many! I wanted to give them the quilt the next day and I wanted it signed. Signed! I had a flash of a recent video I had seen where the author demonstrted writing directly on the quilt with a permanent pen. Literally signing the quilt. Luckily for me the fabric on the back of the quilt had all those cute little watermelons with lots of places where the white of the rind could be used to write the words:
Courtney & Miles July 2, 2011 Made By Debby Michel
Here's how it finally turned out.
I finally went to bed and slept soundly knowing the quilt was done. I had a bit of an anxiety attack as I put the quilt into the washer the next morning. Was the red going to bleed into the white on the front of the quilt? No it didn't! The quilt washed and dried beautifully. The washing and drying is an important point for me since I always hope people to use the quilts I make for them. If they are too hard to take care of people won't use them.
To wrap it I had purchased an insulated cooler bag that can be used for picnics and placed the quilt inside along with a card.
I tied a bow on handle and dropped it off at the gift table as we enter the reception hall.
Have you ever messed up a great project at the last minute?
Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.